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Taking Care of Your Skiwear

The right ski wear is essential for a successful trip to the mountains and can make you feel like a chic winter sports champion, as well as keeping you warm and dry.

However, skiwear is expensive and bulky and can become a nuisance if not protected and cared for properly. We would like to help you avoid finding out that your precious layers are no longer waterproof while you’re halfway down a slope... Or finding they smell a fair bit worse than last year while indulging with family in some Apres Ski! So we have compiled some tips to increase the life and condition of your ski or snowboard suits and accessories... the non-toxic way of course.

ski jacket

Watch out for mixed fabrics

Many gloves or boots have mixtures of performance fabrics with suede or leather, which have to be cleaned and restored differently. They can also take longer to dry which causes discolouration so pay special attention to these elements.

Clean gently and naturally

Over time dirt and friction can reduce your skiwear’s ability to perform as it should, both in terms of weather resistance and also breathability. Identify whether your items are water repellent or water-resistant, and you can either take action at home to rejuvenate them or bring to an expert like BLANC. We use our natural cleaning process and detergents rather than chemical sprays found elsewhere. Harsh detergents, as well as being potentially toxic, can cause damage to the fibres and strip coatings. Many ski garments are made from highly technical fabrics that cannot be washed in normal home wash cycles and detergents, so check labels for correct care.

ski equipment

Rinse delicately

If you are washing at home, ensure flaps are folded down and pockets are empty. You would be surprised what we find in ski trouser and jacket pockets brought to BLANC! Because of the delicate nature of skiwear, rips and damage can be caused by stray items, and several cycles may be needed to remove residue. Washing one item at a time is recommended, and don’t be tempted to wring out.

Dry quickly but carefully

Damp in all layers including base layers can cause problems with the smell but also insulation. Although you need to act quickly to dry ski clothes, beware of taking shortcuts by placing ski jackets directly on heat sources as this can damage the waterproofing and breathability. At BLANC we have a wash and fold service for all under layers to get them fresh and dry as soon as you get home. We also have a light and airy atelier to air out those bulky layers gently and naturally.

ski shoes snow

Check your ski suits in advance

If you arrived back last year with a suitcase of bulky dirty items and no time to fully clean and inspect them, it’s worth giving them a check in advance. Any wear or damage can usually be fixed. Inspecting everything a few weeks before your departure will give you time to reclean if necessary, and also inspect any cracking of leather items which might suggest your skiwear needs replacing or reproofing. If cleaning has made your outerwear look less water-resistant than last year this might also need reproofing. You can test this by seeing whether it absorbs any water when placed on it.

At BLANC we love to clean jackets, salopettes, ski and snowboarding trousers, thermals, gloves, hats, scarves, warm woollen socks, everything! So why not slalom into one of our stores or book a collection? We can make sure that next time you hit the slopes your gear is on point and any younger skiers are kept cosy and comfortable.

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