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The Guardian

Green crush: BLANC, the eco-friendly dry cleaners

Here’s another tip on giving your wardrobe a sustainable makeover: clean your clothes well.

Fashion lover Ludovic Blanc was a self-described ‘heavy user’ of dry cleaners. But his threads came back covered in a toxic sheen and the harsh process seemed to shorten their life span. So with his partner Mathilde he opened his own ecological cleaners. Blanc: Naturally Cleaner, in central and west London, uses Electrolux technology and biodegradable detergents to clean, thus cutting out the petroleum-based solvent perc (perchloroethylene).

"The award-winning Blanc also gets the thumbs-up from Woolmark."

Although used widely by UK dry cleaners, perc is a triple threat, persisting in soil, air and water. It’s banned in the US, France and Denmark. The award-winning Blanc also gets the thumbs-up from Woolmark. For information, go to

By Lucy Siegle, The Guardian's Ethical and Green Living Correspondent
April 2015

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