How to simplify doing laundry and make your clothes last longer
Ditch the iron, save money, and be more eco-friendly with these clean-as-a-whistle tips.
Laundry care was never going to be the sexiest topic — but how does ditching the iron for ever sound? Here are the latest laundry innovations and the best old-school methods to simplify household chores and make your clothes last longer. [...]
For delicates Ludovic Blanc, a co-founder of Blanc, an eco-friendly dry cleaner based in central London, recommends 100 per cent natural Yuzu Delicate Detergent (£12.90,
“Blanc’s cleaning system uses liquid CO2 cleaning tech, which alongside wet cleaning is one of the greenest ways to clean clothes, and also offers a clean-tech ozone disinfection service that removes odours and kills coronavirus.”
Perchloroethylene, the chemical used by 85 per cent of UK dry cleaners, is banned in France, Denmark and parts of the US, due to its polluting effects on air, water and soil. [...]

By Victoria Brzezinski, The Times, March 2021
Find the original article here.